New LMC Access Holders

Information for our new LMC Midwives

As an LMC birthing at Birthcare

You can expect

  • Support from the Clinical Midwife Manager to assess your client’s suitability to birth at Birthcare
  • A full orientation to our facility, Birthcare clinical guidelines, emergency equipment (see over) and processes
  • Access to all the equipment you need to support women during their labour and birth. If you can’t find what you need, please ask
  • Support from Birthcare staff when you need it. A Birthcare midwife will be assigned to you, on arrival of your client and/or yourself. Ideally, the Birthcare midwife meets your client. Please contact the Shift Coordinator if you feel you need further support.
  • Courteous and professional communication


The Birthcare team can also help with

  • A cup of tea, coffee and/or nourishment when you need it
  • Relief for a meal break when you need one
  • A friendly supportive ear if you have any concerns or would like a second option


What Birthcare expects from you
  • That your client has completed the Birthcare registration form (either online or hard copy) to birth at Birthcare
  • That you will be familiar with our facility, Birthcare clinical guidelines and emergency processes including transfer
  • Emergency and Transfer flowcharts for both mothers and babies are on the wall in each Birthing Room and other relevant locations in the facility
  • That you will inform us when your client is in labour and on her way to Birthcare and when you arrive with your client in labour (or for an antenatal assessment), so that we know who is in the building and where
  • Inform us of any requirements such as pool filling etc.
  • That you keep your allocated Birthcare midwife and/or the Shift Coordinator informed of your client’s progress, or any concerns you may have, so that Birthcare can be proactive and effective in supporting you
  • Refer to the LMC folder in each Birthing Room for contact details and current guidelines
  • If you have any emergency in any room, please remove the phone from the receiver. This will activate the emergency system indicating the room you are in to the Birthcare staff
  • Be in attendance for 2 hours after birth of the placenta
  • Complete all of the relevant Birthcare clinical documentation
  • Baby NHI numbers can only be allocated between 8.00am and 8.00pm. If a baby is transferred to ACH, a NHI will be allocated there
  • All original documentation must stay at Birthcare. Photocopies will be made if transfer out of Birthcare is required
  • Courteous and professional communication

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