24 Hour Cotside Assistance for Dads – Download PDF
New Zealand Breastfeeding App – https://www.breastfednz.co.nz
Breast Feeding Your Baby:
Select language:
English | Chinese | Korean | Samoan | Te Reo
The La Leche League is a worldwide organisation promoting breastfeeding and supporting mothers who are planning to breastfeed: www.lalecheleague.org.nz
The NZ Breastfeeding Authority has information on breastfeeding and initiatives to improve breastfeeding rates: www.babyfriendly.org.nz
Infant Sleep Information Source for parents and carers: www.isisonline.org.uk
For answers to the following frequently asked questions in Chinese download the PDF here.
What is Breastmilk?
101 reasons to Breastfeed
Breastfeeding Support Directory – Download PDF
Code of rights information is available in many languages on www.hdc.org.nz
Select language:
English | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Maori | Samoan
IUD (Intra Uterine Device for Contraception)
Depo Provera for Contraception
Select language:
Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Hindi | Samoan | Te Reo Maori | Tongan
Are Your OK: www.areyouok.org.nz
In Your Hands: www.inyourhands.org.nz
English | Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese (Simplified) | Hindi | Korean | Samoan | Swahili | Te Reo Maori
Select language:
English | Cook Islands | Maori | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Arabic | Cook Island | Fijian | Hindi | Korean | Niuean | Samoan | Tokelaauan | Tongan
Immunisation National Register Factsheet
Immunisation Advisory Centre: www.immune.org.nz
Immunisation Guidelines (Te Reo Maori) Kuru Kaupapa
This site has some lovely brochures for pregnancy and labour.
There are two series at the moment: ‘Your Choices’ and ‘The Facts’ as well as a lot of other good information – www.maternity.org.nz/
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Programme
Please note most resources via the above link are also available in Māori, Sāmoan, Tongan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Hindi and Korean.
Postnatal Depression – Getting the Help You Need
Postnatal Depression (Te Reo Maori)
Postnatal distress: www.postnataldistress.org.nz
Perinatal private mental health care Re-centre