For LMC Midwives

Welcome to Birthcare

Birthcare is a primary maternity facility which provides excellent 24 hour care and support for new mothers, babies, whanau and their LMCs.

We pride ourselves on the support we provide to birthing mothers and their midwives.

We aim to make the birth and post-natal experience the best that it can be. Birthcare offers a strong focus on natural birthing for healthy low risk women.

LMCs are welcome to apply for an Access Agreement to support and facilitate their clients to birth at Birthcare and/or be provided with post-natal care.

A full orientation to the facility will be provided to all new Access holders.

Please contact Angela Wilson, Clinical Midwife Manager.

Welcome to Birthcare

Everything you need to know about your responsibilities and how birthing works at Birthcare.

New LMC Access Holders

Information for LMCs

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